Will We Re-Elect Them?

Sarai Eliat

“The preservation of the sacred fire of liberty, and the destiny of the republican model of government, are justly considered deeply, perhaps as finally, staked on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people.” – First Inaugural Address, April 30, 1789
They look down their noses at us, we the people, their constituents, the ones who entrusted them to represent us.

They say that they know better than us. They say that they have our best interests firmly in their sights.
They pass legislation that we rail against. They sponsor town hall meetings and then lock out those who criticize them. They won’t take our phone calls and then turn off their phones when their voice mail is full.
They pay themselves six-figure salaries every year and they vote for their own raises.
They vote not to issue COLA increases for those eligible to receive back the funds that they paid into the system.
And we elected them.
They propose to heal Mother Earth, with taxation.
They propose to provide health care to every citizen, with taxation.
They propose to provide jobs for every citizen, with taxation.
They propose to force compassion, with taxation.
And we elected them.
They mock our Constitution. They say that it is a document of negative rights. They ignore the words that limit their power and cry foul the ones that provide citizens rights.
We allow them to control us. They propose to control us further with more taxation. Their tyranny is not petty. It is grandiose.
And we elected them.
They quadruple the national deficit in 12 months. Their justification for this is stating that the previous administration increased the deficit, too. Does it matter who added what? And wasn’t one of the rallying calls for change tied to how much the previous administration spent?
They double the spending for the Census every ten years. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
…. Why does it cost so much to count to 300 or so million?
They propose to stimulate the economy with an allocation of three billion dollars for Cash for Clunkers. On top of the purchase price paid by the buyer, each car sold cost the taxpayer $24,000.
They copiously fund corrupt organizations such as ACORN. Do you know from where those funds are derived? Have you looked at your pay stub recently?
And we elected them.
They called it the President’s War during the last administration.
Now it is the Good War.
They say that this country is no longer a Christian Nation. They bow low before foreign dignitaries.
They appoint a treasury secretary who didn’t pay his taxes.
They appoint a science czar who wrote a book in support of forced abortions, sterilizing citizens by introducing drugs into the water system, and implementing an armed international police force to assume control of the global economy.
They appoint other czars of questionable commitment to anything but their own radical agenda.
And we elected them.
They say the banks are too big to fail and so prop them up with our tax dollars.
They say the car companies are too big to fail and so prop them up with our tax dollars.
They tell us how wonderful the government is as an employer, and prop up their unions with their support. If the government is so wonderful to work for, why do their employees require union representation?
And we elected them.
They insist that we need a legislative act to force us to be respectful of the environment.
Among other things, they deem that the citizen must purchase special environmentally friendly light bulbs that cost two or three times the cost of regular light bulbs.
Meanwhile, the president flies his wife across the country often for “date night.”
The former Vice President uses more energy in a month than the average citizen uses in a year. For this, he is awarded the Nobel Peace prize for his environmental crusades.
The Speaker of the House uses his personal jet to fly her family across the country.
And we elected them.
They stand for compassion.
They stand for humanity.
They stand for Mother Earth.
They stand for welfare, for unions, for undocumented workers and illegal aliens, all at the expense of the American taxpayer.
Who honors the Citizen? Who honors freedom, liberty, and your pursuit of happiness? Who honors the Constitution?
Who honors your freedom of speech? (Against tyranny?)
Who honors your right to bear arms? (Against tyranny?)
Who honors your right to refuse quarter to a soldier of the state? (Against tyranny?)
Who honors your right to privacy? (Against tyranny?)
Who honors your right to not be held to answer for a capital crime without the indictment of a Grand Jury, or to not be put twice in jeopardy of life or limb for the same offence, or to be called to be a witness against yourself, or to have your private property confiscated by the state? (Against tyranny?)
Who honors your right to a criminal trial by jury and to proper representation in such? (Against tyranny?)
Who honors your right to civil trial by jury? (Against tyranny?)
Who honors your right to reasonable bail and cruel and unusual
punishment? (Against tyranny?)
Who honors all your other rights? (Against tyranny?)
Who protects your state from the federal government? (Against tyranny?)
We must revisit tyranny for surely it is upon us. We must remind them of our power for surely they have forgotten.
Will We Re-Elect Them?