Some things we can do about government mandated house arrest!

Publius Huldah

The proper responses to government officials who are putting us all under house arrest till THEY say otherwise (the “tyrants”) include:
First: I trust all understand that these government imposed Lock-downs (whether done by the feds, state, or local governments) are monstrously UNCONSTITUTIONAL as outside the scope of powers delegated by the Constitutions and in violation of various provisions of the federal and/or State CONSTITUTIONS.

So what do we do about it? Here are some options:

1. non-violent civil disobedience (e.g., Rosa Parks, MLK, and the rest of those who fought for their civil rights during the 1960s);

2. mass protests and rallies – The Patriots of Michigan are doing this and apparently drew 20K people to their rally at the Capitol;

3. recall of gov’t officials (they are seeking to do this to the Mayor of Los Angeles);

4. asking your state legislators to impeach & remove the tyrants from office;

5. filing civil rights actions under 42 USC 1983 against the tyrants. This is being done in California, Michigan, Nevada, and perhaps other states – the ones I named are the ones where I have copies of the Complaints filed in Court. Pamela Geller recently filed a civil rights action against the Mayor of New York City. I have the Complaint she filed. And a few days ago, the Wisconsin Supreme Court decided the action filed there and our side WON! I have a copy of the Court’s Opinion.

6. On a personal level, people should – as they should always do or should start doing: get rid of the junk food (which includes refined “foods” and all manufactured “foods” and mixes – did you ever look at the ingredients on the label?), sugary desserts, the soft drinks, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, get exercise, fresh air, a little sunshine, etc. I.e.: GET HEALTHY – and that will make your immune system more powerful. And, of course, wash your hands before you eat – particularly when you have been in public. With their junk foods, refined “foods”, and manufactured “foods” (crackers, breakfast cereals, Kool-whip, jarred foods, boxed “foods”, artificial sweeteners, etc.), Americans have become unhealthy. And thus, they give themselves all kinds of degenerative diseases and weaken their immune systems.

How many Americans are willing to surrender their God-given Liberties – and are quite willing to see others stripped of THEIR God-given Liberties [all in order to stay “safe”]; but are not willing to give up the atrociously unhealthy eating habits which actually are killing them? Is a tidal wave of malignant irrationality sweeping over America?