When I criticize President Trump, some people get very, very angry with me. It elicits comments like this one.
You’re so full of sh*t , your breath stinks 😷 !!!!
The economy’s doing better than it has in 50 years.
You’re just another annoying Trump basher.
Go find something productive to do!
By the way, his assertion about the economy is absolutely false, as I explain in my most recent Thoughts from Maharrey Head podcast. You can listen HERE.
So, why do I “pick on” Trump?
Because he does a lot of things that suck.
It’s the same reason I picked on Obama for years.
The truth is I’m going to criticize whoever is in the Oval Office. It’s not about personalities. It’s about fidelity to the Constitution. I am going to rip anybody who takes or supports unconstitutional actions. And more generally, anybody who does things that threaten my liberty.
If you ask me, too many people are wrapped up in Donald’s cult of personality and have abandoned their conservative principles. If anybody should be calling out unconstitutional and anti-liberty actions by Republicans, it’s Republicans. Clean your own house, you know?
The common refrain is, “Well, Trump is better than Hillary.” Yes. Yes, he probably is. But is that really your standard? Seriously?
Look, if you wanted me to criticized Hillary, you should have voted for her.
Op Note: Emphasis added.