New Dinesh D’Souza Film ‘Police State’ Is a Wakeup Call for America

Conservative filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza has created a feature-length documentary film he hopes will alert the public to the danger posed to all of us by the rising American police state.

In a recent phone interview with The Epoch Times, Mr. D’Souza said that, even as a teenage immigrant to the United States, he was “mesmerized not only by the economic opportunity and upward mobility of this country, but also by America’s system of individual rights.

“These rights are enshrined in the Bill of Rights as unalienable, not open for negotiation.

Read the full story here.

Death by a Thousand Cuts: The Many Ways Our Rights Have Been Usurped Since 9/11

“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” — Abraham Lincoln

Those who gave us the Constitution and the Bill of Rights believed that the government exists at the behest of its citizens. It is there to protect, defend and even enhance our freedoms, not violate them.

Unfortunately, although the Bill of Rights was adopted as a means of protecting the people against government tyranny, in America today, the government does whatever it wants, freedom be damned. Continue reading “Death by a Thousand Cuts: The Many Ways Our Rights Have Been Usurped Since 9/11”

We the Targeted: How the Government Weaponizes Surveillance to Silence Its Critics

By John & Nisha Whitehead

“Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.” — President Harry S. Truman

Ever since Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his groundbreaking “I Have a Dream” speech during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom on Aug. 28, 1963, the Deep State has been hard at work turning King’s dream into a living nightmare.

The end result of the government’s efforts over the past 60 years is a country where nothing ever really changes, and everyone lives in fear.

Race wars are still being stoked by both the Right and the Left; the military-industrial complex is still waging profit-driven wars at taxpayer expense; the oligarchy is still calling the shots in the seats of government power; and the government is still weaponizing surveillance in order to muzzle anti-government sentiment, harass activists, and terrorize Americans into compliance.

This last point is particularly disturbing. Continue reading “We the Targeted: How the Government Weaponizes Surveillance to Silence Its Critics”

Whether You Live in a Small Town or a Big City, the Government Is Still Out to Get You

By John & Nisha Whitehead

“I can’t remember what all Frank had fighting in the jar that day, but I can remember other bug fights we staged later on: one stag beetle against a hundred red ants, one centipede against three spiders, red ants against black ants. They won’t fight unless you keep shaking the jar. And that’s what Frank was doing, shaking, shaking the jar.”— Kurt Vonnegut, Cat’s Cradle

There’s a meme that circulated on social media a while back that perfectly sums up the polarized, manipulated mayhem, madness and tyranny that is life in the American police state today: Continue reading “Whether You Live in a Small Town or a Big City, the Government Is Still Out to Get You”

Loudmouth Lindsey Leaves Constitution Behind

President Biden has made a mockery of the Constitution with one illegal decision after another. His high-handed decree that he would forgive $10,000 in student loan debt for each person lucky enough to have student debt was just the latest.

You can add that to the failure to defend the border against invasion, an insistence on using the COVID crisis to unilaterally legislate vaccine mandates and eviction moratoriums, and his administration’s collusion with Big Tech to censor conservative speech.

But Joe Biden is not alone in his push for federal overreach, and if there’s anything worse than liberals who don’t understand the Constitution, it’s conservatives who don’t understand the Constitution. They are supposed to be the guardians of our heritage.

Unfortunately, there have been multiple examples of our elected representatives of both major parties showing an appalling lack of understanding of our founding document, and the limits it places on the federal government.

I told you in July how I was all set to write a column condemning former Vice President Mike Pence over reports that he was about to propose a national ban on abortion. Fortunately, Pence had no such plan. Instead, he was proposing that conservatives fight nationwide to ensure that every state pass its own pro-life laws in order to protect the unborn.

For conservatives, that is the correct response to the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Once the Supreme Court announced that it had been mistaken in previously finding an unenumerated right to abortion in the Constitution, there was no further reason for anyone to expect the federal government to have any role in this medical and moral issue.

As I noted previously, Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution enumerates these very limited powers of Congress: Raise taxes; borrow money; regulate international commerce and commerce among the states; establish a process for naturalizing citizens; coin money and punish counterfeiters; establish post offices; establish copyright and trademark laws; establish lower courts; regulate pirates; declare war; raise armies and a navy; provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions; and create and maintain a small district that shall be the seat of government.

Nothing there can be construed as permission for federal lawmakers to make laws concerning a woman’s right to terminate a pregnancy or a government’s right to force her to carry her pregnancy to term. To claim otherwise is to demonstrate ignorance, arrogance, or incompetence. Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina is guilty of all three.

Graham introduced the Protecting Pain-Capable Unborn Children from Late-Term Abortions Act on Sept. 13, and promptly created a political firestorm. The bill would ban abortion after 15 weeks gestation, the point when unborn children are believed to be able to feel pain. Democrats seized on the proposed legislation as proof that Republicans are moral tyrants who are intent on “taking rights away from millions of women,” as White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said.

Republicans, for their part, promptly scolded Graham for what was a tone-deaf, ham-handed, disastrous political miscalculation less than two months before the pivotal Nov. 8 midterm elections. Whatever motivation this summer’s Dobbs ruling had given to pro-choice voters to turn out in support of Democrats was now multiplied astronomically. Graham was throwing gasoline on the fire.

But what very few, if any, Republicans attempted to do was educate Sen. Graham on the constitutional limits of the power of Congress. That’s disappointing. Graham’s argument was that because he is morally right, he and a like-minded majority should be able to pass a law to protect the unborn. Sorry, that’s not how it works. “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” That’s the 10th Amendment, and it means no matter how well-meaning he is, Graham is also dead wrong because there is no power to regulate abortion delegated to the United States.

The only other argument Graham has been able to muster besides moral superiority is a misreading of the Dobbs decision, which he touted on Fox News Sunday last week.

According to the senator, “Here’s what Dobbs says: Elected officials can make the decision, state or federal. I’m not inconsistent … To all the states’ rights people: There’s a lot of things been done in this country under the name of states’ rights that was wrong (sic).”

There are two problems here. The first is that Graham is decidedly inconsistent on this issue. He’s on record as repeatedly insisting, including quite recently, that this matter should be left to the states. Second, there have been a lot of things done in the name of moral superiority that were unconstitutional, and this would be just one more. Prominent Republicans, including Mitch McConnell, have distanced themselves from Graham’s bill, but mainly for tactical reasons. It’s time for brave conservatives to stand up to loudmouth Lindsey, and tell him to sit down and shut up – and show some respect to conservative principles.

I’ll go first.

Here’s what Dobbs really says:

“The Constitution does not prohibit the citizens of each State from regulating or prohibiting abortion. Roe and Casey arrogated that authority. We now overrule those decisions and return that authority to the people and their elected representatives.”

Justice Samuel Alito’s carefully written decision stresses that by overturning Roe, the court is returning the power to regulate abortion to the states, and to the state legislatures, and to the people of the states. There is no hint of federal overreach in the decision, and certainly nowhere does the Dobbs ruling find any hint of a congressional power hitherto unknown that would allow Congress to make a law dictating a national policy on abortion.

So Graham is dead wrong when he claims “There’s nothing preventing abortion policy in Washington, D.C., based on constitutional principles or Dobbs.”

What prevents federal abortion policy is that Congress was never granted such a power by “we the people.” And I dare Sen. Graham to point to one sentence of the Constitution that justifies his radical proposal. It won’t happen.

Even Joe Biden, perhaps the greatest constitutional scofflaw since the Civil War, recognized the truth of the matter when he trolled Graham (without naming him) a few days after the senator proposed his bill:

Biden tweeted on Sept. 16, “When a lawmaker goes from touting states’ rights to touting a nationwide ban, it becomes clear that they’re not concerned with the Constitution.”

Sad but true.

This article was originally published by RealClearPolitics and made available via RealClearWire.

Justice Shrugged: The Persecution of Donald Trump

August 14, 2023

Here’s what I dream of Donald Trump saying when he stands trial on bogus charges proffered by his political opponents: “I do not recognize this court’s right to try me … I do not recognize my action as a crime.”

Those are the fighting words of industrialist Hank Rearden when he was put on trial for ignoring an unjust law in Ayn Rand’s novel “Atlas Shrugged.” Although the circumstances of the cases differ, Rearden is a perfect avatar of Donald Trump, as both larger-than-life men are persecuted by the justice system for seeking to pursue their own self-interest and for refusing to surrender to government oppression. Continue reading “Justice Shrugged: The Persecution of Donald Trump”

The Tyranny of the Minority


There is so much out there that stinks. I’m considering digging out my mask, if I can find it, to keep the smell away. Nothing is as it should be…criminals don’t get prosecuted, fires don’t get put out, the border will not be secured. The war on drugs was lost decades ago, the homeless will not be asked to leave, too many men and women don’t know what gender they are, and every human worm has crawled out of its hole. But, a Chicago group did ask criminals to not shoot between the hours of 9AM – 9PM. For much of the country, especially the big cities, a total acquiescence. Continue reading “The Tyranny of the Minority”

Mental Health Round-Ups: The Next Phase of the Government’s War on Thought Crimes

There are no dangerous thoughts; thinking itself is a dangerous activity.”—Hannah Arendt

Get ready for the next phase of the government’s war on thought crimes: mental health round-ups and involuntary detentions.

Under the guise of public health and safety, the government could use mental health care as a pretext for targeting and locking up dissidents, activists and anyone unfortunate enough to be placed on a government watch list.

If we don’t nip this in the bud, and soon, this will become yet another pretext by which government officials can violate the First and Fourth Amendments at will. Continue reading “Mental Health Round-Ups: The Next Phase of the Government’s War on Thought Crimes”

Targeted for Tyranny: We’re All Suspects Under the Government’s Precrime Program

“There is now the capacity to make tyranny total in America.”― James Bamford, journalist

We’re all being targeted now.

We’re all guilty until proven innocent now.

And thanks to the 24/7 surveillance being carried out by the government’s spy network of fusion centers, we are all now sitting ducks, just waiting to be tagged, flagged, targeted, monitored, manipulated, investigated, interrogated, heckled and generally harassed by agents of the American police state.

Although these precrime programs are popping up all across the country, in small towns and big cities, they are not making us any safer but they are endangering individual freedoms. Continue reading “Targeted for Tyranny: We’re All Suspects Under the Government’s Precrime Program”

Sounding Alarm Over Thought Crime Programs, TRI Warns College Against Tracking Religious, Political Ideologies

CHARLOTESVILLE, Va. — Responding to a report suggesting that the University of Virginia should consider tracking the religious and political affiliations/ideologies of students and faculty, The Rutherford Institute has warned that such a program would raise significant constitutional concerns, especially as it pertains to the right of citizens to associate anonymously without being compelled by the government to disclose their political or religious beliefs. Continue reading “Sounding Alarm Over Thought Crime Programs, TRI Warns College Against Tracking Religious, Political Ideologies”