Criminality in the White House: The Rise of the Political Psychopath

By John & Nisha Whitehead

“When the President does it, that means that it is not illegal.”—Richard Nixon

Many years ago, a newspaper headline asked the question: “What’s the difference between a politician and a psychopath?

The answer, then and now, remains the same: None.

There is no difference between psychopaths and politicians.

Nor is there much of a difference between the havoc wreaked on innocent lives by uncaring, unfeeling, selfish, irresponsible, parasitic criminals and elected officials who lie to their constituents, trade political favors for campaign contributions, turn a blind eye to the wishes of the electorate, cheat taxpayers out of hard-earned dollars, favor the corporate elite, entrench the military industrial complex, and spare little thought for the impact their thoughtless actions and hastily passed legislation might have on defenseless citizens. Continue reading “Criminality in the White House: The Rise of the Political Psychopath”

Stop Drinking the Political Kool-Aid, America: Voting Will Not Save Us

“We’ve got to face it. Politics have entered a new stage, the television stage. Instead of long-winded public debates, the people want capsule slogans—‘Time for a change’—‘The mess in Washington’—‘More bang for a buck’—punch lines and glamour.”— A Face in the Crowd (1957)

We are one year out from the 2024 presidential election and as usual, the American people remain eager to be persuaded that a new president in the White House can solve the problems that plague us.

Yet what is being staged is not an election.

It’s a con game, a scam, a grift, a hustle, a bunko, a swindle, a flimflam, a gaffle, and a bamboozle, and “we the people” are nothing more than marks, suckers, stooges, mugs, rubes, or gulls. Continue reading “Stop Drinking the Political Kool-Aid, America: Voting Will Not Save Us”

Death by a Thousand Cuts: The Many Ways Our Rights Have Been Usurped Since 9/11

“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” — Abraham Lincoln

Those who gave us the Constitution and the Bill of Rights believed that the government exists at the behest of its citizens. It is there to protect, defend and even enhance our freedoms, not violate them.

Unfortunately, although the Bill of Rights was adopted as a means of protecting the people against government tyranny, in America today, the government does whatever it wants, freedom be damned. Continue reading “Death by a Thousand Cuts: The Many Ways Our Rights Have Been Usurped Since 9/11”

Whether You Live in a Small Town or a Big City, the Government Is Still Out to Get You

By John & Nisha Whitehead

“I can’t remember what all Frank had fighting in the jar that day, but I can remember other bug fights we staged later on: one stag beetle against a hundred red ants, one centipede against three spiders, red ants against black ants. They won’t fight unless you keep shaking the jar. And that’s what Frank was doing, shaking, shaking the jar.”— Kurt Vonnegut, Cat’s Cradle

There’s a meme that circulated on social media a while back that perfectly sums up the polarized, manipulated mayhem, madness and tyranny that is life in the American police state today: Continue reading “Whether You Live in a Small Town or a Big City, the Government Is Still Out to Get You”

‘The Book of Virtues’ – More Important Now Than Ever

August, 2023

We are a nation divided. So it seems, and so we are told. Again and again.

Americans disagree on abortion. We disagree on what’s important, on what is and isn’t a “crisis.” We disagree on the types of energy our nation ought to create and use. We disagree on the rights of parents and of minors; what the First and Second Amendments mean; how to deal with our southern border; and whether or not to support Ukraine in its war with Russia. Continue reading “‘The Book of Virtues’ – More Important Now Than Ever”

Rein in the FBI: Put an End to the FBI’s Gestapo Tactics


One of the creeping hands of totalitarianism running through the democracy is the Federal Bureau of Investigation… Because why does the FBI do all this? To scare the hell out of people… They work for the establishment and the corporations and the politicos to keep things as they are. And they want to frighten and chill the people who are trying to change things.”—Howard Zinn, historian

Power corrupts. We know this.

In fact, we know this from experience learned the hard way at the hands of our own government. Continue reading “Rein in the FBI: Put an End to the FBI’s Gestapo Tactics”

America’s Revolutionary Founders Would Be Anti-Government Extremists Today

“It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its government.”—Thomas Paine

“When the government violates the people’s rights, insurrection is, for the people and for each portion of the people, the most sacred of the rights and the most indispensable of duties.”—Marquis De Lafayette

Had the Declaration of Independence been written today, it would have rendered its signers extremists or terrorists, resulting in them being placed on a government watch list, targeted for surveillance of their activities and correspondence, and potentially arrested, held indefinitely, stripped of their rights and labeled enemy combatants.

This is no longer the stuff of speculation and warning.
Continue reading “America’s Revolutionary Founders Would Be Anti-Government Extremists Today”