Surviving In A World Gone Mad

By  ——

How to survive in a world gone mad? It starts with refusing to be duped by governments, their bureaucracies and the media.  A virus, hyped as a pandemic—with a 99 percent recovery rate—isn’t going to kill off the world—no matter what ‘scientists’ a la Dr. Anthony Fauci predict.

Fauci, his pal Bill Gates and their ilk need to spray lots of Windex on their smoggy crystal balls.

The world that has long been home to the masses was not created as their play toy, or there for their sundry get-rich-quick schemes.

Surviving in a world gone mad means not believing the words and dire warnings of self-serving politicians

Their never-ending warnings notwithstanding, Global Warming/Climate Change is not going to wipe out the masses either.

Surviving in a world gone mad means not believing the words and dire warnings of self-serving politicians whose careers are kept sustainable by their many lies.

Ditto for Fake News propagated by the Internet.

Surviving in a world gone mad means seeing to it that when grandparents look down into the cradle of the family’s newest baby, they do not do so hiding their faces behind masks.

Infants deserve the comfort of seeing their loving grandparents’ faces—smile lines and all—not the nightmarish spectre of someone staring down at them with faces hidden behind hideous and ghoulish masks.

Adults out and about walking alone on city streets or driving alone in their vehicles should dispense with the wearing of masks.  Otherwise they’re advertisements for scare-mongering health bureaucrats and Lockdown-advocating governments.

Don’t automatically fall for any idle threat governments pass on to society through an accommodating MSM

Scaremongers telling us in July that children returning to school in September must return wearing face masks are out and out liars.  It’s only July, so how could they know where Covid will be in September—unless, that is they are part of an organized scheme intended to hype the virus?

Folk should not be afraid to step out into their own backyards to take a deep breath of fresh air.  Fresh air, sunshine and peace of mind are better medicine than what any doctor can prescribe.

Don’t automatically fall for any idle threat governments pass on to society through an accommodating MSM.  Going door to door to force vaccines on the un-vaxxed would be all but impossible for any government.  With crimes at an all time high, people don’t answer their doors any more.  Breaking down the doors of private citizens would be a chargeable felony even for hirelings dispatched by governments.

Folk should avoid despondency and despair just as they would a real pandemic.

No Sunday church service has become ‘church through prayer at home’ where there are neither restrictions nor distractions to keep believers from getting directly to their Creator.

Sanctimonious governments pushing for abortion, and doing diddly-squat for the billions-of-dollar-a-year children trafficking industry

Impossible for both churches and public schools to get by without the financial support of church goers and parents.

Without financial support, both are destined to wither and die.

During the past infernally long 15 months, in their overriding lust for control and power the government and their bureaucrats forgot a maxim that’s held on down through the ages: Life will go on—with or without them.

Surviving in a world gone mad means living your life, tending your loved ones and children, knowing at heart that “this too shall pass”.

Keep God Almighty in the picture; keep school children in the know in the hours they spend at home.

For all of those frustrated by sanctimonious governments pushing for abortion, and doing diddly-squat for the billions-of-dollar-a-year children trafficking industry, what bothers government the most is that you’re living your life, STILL believing in God—WITHOUT THEM!

Judi McLeod is an award-winning journalist with 30 years’ experience in the print media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared on Rush Limbaugh,, Drudge Report,