by Kelleigh Nelson

New Laws Are Lies
There are enough laws on the books. There’s not a single new law that would change anything. First Trump agreed to ban bump stocks, a stupid argument if there ever was one. By labeling bump stocks “machine guns,” the ATF effectively changed their classification under the 1934 National Firearms Act(NFA) and made them illegal under the 1968 Gun Control Act (GCA), a move which retroactively criminalizes their purchase and ownership. By the way, the 1968 GCA was taken from Adolph Hitler’s gun ban.
If Trump signs any new laws, this will drive a huge wedge between him and his supporters. True, there is no one else to vote for, but Trump supporters will not go out in droves as they did in 2016, which could give the election to the Democratic Socialists. If the President backs down on his promises, he will lose…and the left wants our guns, they want them out of our hands, and when the movie, The Hunt, becomes reality even though it’s now been pulled, we won’t have any way of firing back.