By Judi McLeod —— Bio and Archives—January 31, 2021
America is under OCCUPATION , but because of a negligent media and intel agencies, seems almost totally unaware of it yet.
The Occupation took place on Inauguration Day, Jan. 20, and at the time of this writing is still underway some 11 days later.
Occupations through history have included the Christmas Eve 1979 one when the Soviets moved into Afghanistan; the occupation of the Channel Islands by the Germans during World War II.
‘Occupation of America’
“On December 24, 1979, the Soviet Union invades Afghanistan, under the pretext of upholding the Soviet-Afghan Friendship Treaty of 1978. As midnight approached, the Soviets organized a massive military airlift into Kabul, involving an estimated 280 transport aircraft and three divisions of almost 8,500 men each.: (
British subjects who were residents of the Channel Islands had to give over their homes and food supplies to the Germans while the war raged on in nearby England.
The ‘Occupation of America’ was staged by Democrat activists whose first move after Occupation due to a questionable election, with the help of the mainstream and social media, was to silence any and all dissent.
The outward signs of the Democrat Occupation of America are plain to see, but covertly camouflaged in order to keep the masses in a state of confusion.
The newly-erected fence around the White House is not temporary but intended to remain in place—but the Democrats are still pretending it is there to protect them from being murdered by mostly elderly Donald Trump supporters, they insist on branding as “domestic terrorists”.
The 25,000-strong National Guard troops sent for to protect them were dispatched to unheated underground garages with no heat, access to food, water or bathrooms, the day after Inauguration.

Obama’s Army: “a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded as the military”
That they were placed there by at least some members of former President Barack Obama’s army—the one he bragged would be “a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded as the military” back in July of 2008.
All last summer the Nobel Peace Prize tapped Black Lives Matter and Antifa occupied numerous American cities, whose businesses and personal property were burned down to the ground.
Vice President Kamala Harris waiting to replace Joe Biden as president bailed some of them out of jail.
The only other occupation to take place in America before the latest one is when OWS (Occupy Wall Street) took over Zuccotti Park.
“October 15, 2011: The Day Obama’s Army occupied the Free World. (Canada Free Press, Oct. 15, 2011)
“The people milling about in public parks in cities now under Occupation look like harmless hippies, but they’re conscripted soldiers for Obama, some on pay better than what is being paid to selfless soldiers of the real army risking life and limb for freedom in countries far from home.
“In the chaos and confusion that has been the trademark of the Obama regime, chills should have run down spines when in July of 2008 the only president in history with no ID audaciously called for “a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded as the military”.
“Obama called young Americans to serve both at home and abroad, and said he would expand the Peace Corps, AmeriCorps and other volunteer opportunities.
“Blame the cunning of Marxist strategy. Pretend your protesters are saving abused civilians from the big bad banks and greedy corporations; trot out “democracy” as main motivation for clamorous uprisings; repeat the lie that it was “democracy” that returned Egypt to the control of the Muslim Brotherhood.”
“Getting Even” is exactly what the current ‘Democrat Occupation’ of America is all about
According to the conservative CanadaFreePress, “Obama is coming out of exile — with a vengeance — said to be supported by an army of some 30,000 foot soldiers, and that’s not even counting the thousands of White House and government insiders waiting to join his army.” They went on to say, “Protests to date will pale by comparison to Obama’s new Protest Era called ‘Getting Even!’” (San Diego Union Tribune, April 6, 2017)
And “Getting Even” is exactly what the current ‘Democrat Occupation’ of America is all about.
As CFP friend Bruce Smith, author of ‘The War Comes to Plum Street’ wrote this morning, ‘We’re only 11 days in!”
“We’re at the beginning of February. We’re going to make it through this winter!
“Keep the faith!!
Job-killing, ‘Get even with them for us, Joe” Biden has 89 more days to go until the end of his promised 100 days of darkness and misery.
During days ahead count on the mainstream and social media to come up with a myriad of daily diversions to keep folk from realizing that they are under an Occupation, far worse than any foreign army could devise.
All this week the Diversion will be the Impeachment of Private Citizen Donald Trump
All this week the Diversion will be the Impeachment of Private Citizen Donald Trump, for which CFP is predicting another dismal failure.
The Diversion of ‘Impeach President Trump’ was the pandemic which conveniently burst upon the scene only days after Impeachment failed.
All Democrat diversions are meant to keep people from asking “When did Joe Biden first show signs of becoming visibly cognitive-challenged?”
Did he have dementia when he was making scandalous million-dollar deals with his son, Hunter, in China and Ukraine?
Or did dementia hit him during election year when he was hiding it out in his Delaware basement—blaming it on the pandemic?
Will the Democrats use Biden’s alleged dementia to move him aside in order to make giggling Senator Kamala Harris America’s president?
Meanwhile America is not just in government-mandated lockdown, it is under Democrat OCCUPATION. Occupied masses are watching the total destruction of America by the devious Democrats, from home via the Internet and cable television networks.
The screams of protests from masked masses continue to fall on deaf ears. All patriots who dared to cast votes for an America-First President must now wait to be tried as “domestic terrorists” by Democrats who boldly occupy their once brave and free nation.
God help us all for survival in this waking nightmare.
Judi McLeod — Bio and Archives
Copyright © Canada Free Press
Judi McLeod is an award-winning journalist with 30 years’ experience in the print media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared on Rush Limbaugh,, Drudge Report,