Joanna Martin “Publius Huldah” Delivers Monumental Article V U.S. Constitution Speech

Last week Joanna Martin (aka Publius Huldah) brought a blistering speech taking on Mark Levin and the Globalists.

A special Article V Constitutional Convention committee was created to decide whether or not the South Carolina House should proceed with the BBA and COS applications for an Article V convention.

A second hearing last Thursday went on for almost 4 hours. Here is the excellent testimony (videos) from our side: Joanna Martin (PH) and Robert Brown .

6 Replies to “Joanna Martin “Publius Huldah” Delivers Monumental Article V U.S. Constitution Speech”

  1. I would like to interview Joanna Martin for my radio show. I am an opponent to a Convention of States and would like to share a few things I have not heard her mention. In addition, here are a few questions regarding this hearing:

    What State is this?
    What committee is this?
    Who are the members of this committee?

    Thank you.

  2. Joanna Martin is a lying, chicken-Little profligate!! She knows nothing of the Constitution or Mark Levin. If she knew anything about Mark Levin she would know that he does not like globalism and has bashed both Obama and George Bush for being one. Anyone that listens to this total malarkey is uneducated and uninformed about both Mark Levin and the constitution!!

    1. Aww yes, Sonny Eanes, anti-Semitism at its most sickening. Says more about you than it could ever say about Levin.

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